Laura Herrera Topics

Chronic Disease patients and the need for counseling for them.

Why it’s so important for their mental well being.

Laura Herrera

Jan 2, 2021· 5 min read

Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash
Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. Six in ten adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more.” —

For some chronic diseases, doctors can diagnose fairly easily with tests. For others, it can take years. Many times the person has spent years feeling hopeless with no-one understanding what their body is going through including doctors, family, friends, and loved ones. Patients can feel like they are going crazy trying to get the help they know they deserve all the while questioning their sanity of what they are going through because no one knows what it is.

No matter what each person’s circumstances are the truth is that living with a chronic disease can affect all parts of someone’s life. I’ve talked with many people who have suffered through a chronic disease as I myself have. Even though we each have had different disease and physical symptoms we have dealt with, I have noticed there have been MANY SIMILIARTIES in what we have dealt with as a whole.

This includes the chronic disease or long term health battle taking a toll on someone’s:

Mental health and well being-

Besides the physical symptoms, the disease can affect someone’s relationship within themselves. Most battle with:

Personal fears related to the disease

Work life situations


Hope and hopelessness

Self blame and shame

Feeling truly alone and that no one understands


Many people’s relationships suffer because of this. It can be hard to relate or communicate your needs, issues, fears, emotions etc. Relationships with loved ones can suffer. Friendships can suffer.

Doctor/patient relationships-

It can affect someone’s emotions of being upset, hurt, and tired when a doctor doesn’t know what to do to help. This can include going through failed treatments with them. Not knowing how to communicate with them in order to try to find the best treatment options can affect someone’s mental well being. Learning ways to advocate for yourself and seek the best treatment can be very overwhelming.

Financial burdens-

For some going through a chronic disease can create a whirlwind of constant events of being in and out of doctor offices, hospitals, treatment centers, surgery centers etc. The bills can feel endless including having multiple doctor bills, hospital bills, prescription bills, etc. Some missing time from work or school. Some fearing for their jobs. Some have even lost jobs. The financial burden can be constant and overwhelming for an individual and their family.

For me:

My physical health didn’t just suffer, but also my mental health, my relationships with my loved ones and friends and most importantly my relationship with myself. I felt alone and little by little I was losing parts of myself in the process. I wish I had went through counseling during the 11 years I battled through two debilitating diseases-Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. Yes, having friends and family by my side was helpful, but many times I didn’t know how to communicate with them about what I was going through- so I held it in most of the time -enabling the inner turmoil of battling the diseases by myself. Everything above I dealt with like so many others. It was hard putting a smile on and acting like a fighter when inside I felt like I was constantly losing a battle and battles. I felt like I had to not show the world what I was going through so that I could make it easier for others. I created many coping mechanisms. But can I tell you something? Taking on the world by yourself can feel very overwhelming when you are just trying to survive through a disease.

Having tools to be able to cope better, respond better, communicate better with others and with ourselves is an invaluable part of the overall health of someone especially going through something long term medically.

What is counseling:

Individual counseling is a personal opportunity to receive support and experience growth during challenging times in life. Individual counseling can help one deal with many personal topics in life such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and relationship challenges, parenting problems, school difficulties, career changes etc.,change%20and%20optimal%20mental%20health.

My goal is to start conversations on this topic within our selves and with others. Let’s start the healing process and the ability to start having conversations with our loved ones and friends on what overall we are going through. Let’s start the notion that it’s not only ok to seek help for your mental well being but it is a GREAT BENEFIT AND HELP. Let’s help spread the word to bring about change.

What we need to change or improve for the better:

-More people studying to specialize in helping others in their health journey

-More insurances covering counseling specifically for health related purposes

-More people talking about this subject

If you are the one going through a chronic disease

Please find this article encouraging to you. What you are going through matters. The symptoms you go through day in and day out or every so often matters. The inner turmoil you have battled matters. Your voice matters. I want to encourage you to start somewhere in your journey of voicing yourself and not feeling alone anymore. Start by talking about just one of the topics above with your family, loved ones and friends. Open the dialogue and let others know what you are going through and how this disease affects so many areas of your life. Stay encouraged -you are not alone. If you are already go through counseling for other reasons, start talking on subjects related to your health as well. May you find the help you need and the voice to share with others.

Laura Herrera writes on topics in order for others to find ways they can help bridge the gap between themselves, their family, loved ones and medical professionals.

She knows what it’s like to go through all the turmoil- to feel like you are just trying to keep your head above water.

Be encouraged, what you are going through matters.

What are some of the topics you would like to read relating to chronic diseases?